Film Production
Streaming Series “Transplants” by Alscott Worrell & Rodney Hawkins Jr.
S.1 Episodes 2&3 - Directed by Carlton V Bell II
“My Big Fat Queer Wedding” Streaming Series Pilot - Directed by Micah Weech Produced & Written by Carlton V Bell II
Carlton V Bell II, writer & Co-star in “My Big Fat Queer Wedding” Pilot/Proof of Concept 2020
Music Video, Grammy & Emmy Award-Winning Recording Artist Sebastian Kole’s “Hey God”
Directed by Aija Penix - 1st AD Carlton V Bell II
Feature Film “is anybody out there…?” by Carlton V Bell II
Directed by David H. Parker
Web-SeriesPilot “Skool Daze: The Series” written and produced by Carlton V Bell II
“Make Space, Take Space” Directed & Produced by Carlton V Bell II
“Moop App” Commercial Directed by Aija Penix - 1st AD & Casting Director Carlton V Bell II
“the call” Written & Directed by Carlton V Bell II
Film Performance
Project: “Blind Angels” Docu-Series 2020, Directed by Umbreen Butts - Produced by CNN/Gilead Sciences
Carlton V Bell II, Directs “One in Two” by Donja R. Love while chronicling their story as a Black queer artist in the house living with HIV.
“Fatal Attraction” TV Series 2018 (Season Eight, Episode 1) - Produced by TV One
Carlton V Bell II, stars in the hit TV Series on “Fatal Attraction”.
“Horror Lane” Short-Film - Directed by Laurel Taylor Produced by Side Walk Film Fest
Carlton V Bell II, co-stars in the “Horror Lane” Directed by: Laurel Taylor of Side Walk Film Festival 2019 ** Winner of Short of the Year